This is the courageous person who delivers the Scriptures you donate to persecuted Christians. However distant they are, whatever the barriers, our couriers place your loving gift directly into their hands. The Bible Network depends entirely on supporters like you to maintain and increase the delivery of God’s Word into these eager, outstretched hands. Be sure that the arrival of each new translated Bible sets off a surge of Christian conversions.

The Courier

Wherever repressive regimes or extremist religious groups inflict cruel persecution upon Christians, the pastors bear the brunt. Often, it is their powerful faith alone that keeps the faithful together, strengthened by your prayers and the teaching Bibles you send. The vision of God’s final victory makes them true to Jesus unto death, makes them rebuild bulldozed churches, brave bullets and beatings – yet go on preaching forgiveness.

The Pastor

In city slums and impoverished villages, innocent children are the future’s only defence against continuing atheism, crime and religious fanaticism. They stand like a fire-break between the evil flames and a better tomorrow. That is why, in China, parents are barred from teaching Christianity. It is why churches and schools are attacked and the Scriptures suppressed. This is why we reach out to children. Their legacy is to know their Saviour lives.

The Child